How to clean Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer

Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer is an instrument that uses the Kjeldahl nitrogen determination method to measure the protein content in substances. Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer can be divided into fully automatic Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer and semi-automatic nitrogen analyzer according to its configuration. The fully automatic Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer includes a digestion furnace and a Kjeldahl distillation device.

micro kjeldahl apparatus 

At present, the fully automatic Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer has been widely used to determine protein content. So, how to clean the nitrogen analyzer when using it?

Before installing the instrument, all parts of the Kjeldahl nitrogen analyzer need to be cleaned by general methods. The rubber tubes and plugs used must be immersed in the solution and boiled for about ten minutes, washed with water, then boiled with water for ten minutes, washed several times with water, and then installed and fixed on an iron stand.

kjeldahl distillation apparatus 

Before using the Kjeldahl digestion apparatus, all trace pipes must be steam cleaned to remove any ammonia that may remain in the pipes. The instrument in use should be steam washed for five minutes before each sample measurement. For instruments that have not been used for a long time, repeatedly steam clean it no less than three times, and check whether the instrument is normal. Check all connections carefully to ensure there are no air leaks. In this way, the cleanliness of the instrument is ensured, on the other hand, the instrument is also inspected, and some damaged parts can be detected and replaced in time.
